Tuesday, 04 April 2023 12:21

Monitoring processes will be held on the effectiveness of the annual scientific activities of independent researchers (PhD, DSc) of the “Silk road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage

Monitoring procedures will be conducted on April 6 of this year to assess the results of the annual scientific activities of independent researchers (PhD, DSc) of the “Silk road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage who were admitted for the second quarter of the academic year (2021-2024, 2022-2025) as independent researchers (PhD, DSc) to higher education institutions.

Monitoring procedures will be conducted in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 22, 2017, numbered under №304 “On measure to further improve the post-higher education system”

The monitoring processes will be conducted and chaired by the First Vice-rector of the university DSc professor Eltazarov Jo‘liboy Danaboyevich

Time: April 6, 2023, at 2:30 p.m

Venue: University building, room 119.


Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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