On December 13 of this year, students of the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage under the guidance of tutors Husainova Gavhar and Kayumova Raykhona visited an exhibition of items purchased as part of the campaign "My Contribution to National Heritage", which was held in the Exhibition…
Wednesday, 14 December 2022 00:23

Будущее – за молодежью

13 декабря текущего года студенты Российского государственного университета туризма и сервиса посетили Международный университет туризма и культурного наследия «Шелковый путь» для участия в пилотном этапе международного трека программ. Целью международного маршрута является развитие молодежного и студенческого туризма и трансграничного взаимодействия с зарубежными государствами для погружения участников в профессию через прохождение…
“Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage students experienced their first international Zoom meeting with Japanese university students. This was an attempt to strengthen our tie through the exchange agreement with Wakayama University. We initially established an exchange partnership with them in 2019, however we could not take…
Monday, 12 December 2022 17:44


On behalf of the Administration and students of the University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage "Silk Road", the Sports Club "Silk Road" warmly congratulates the 4th year student Isomitdinov Islom, who took the honorable 3rd place in the Asian Armwrestling Championship in the weight category up to 75 kg. We…
Wednesday, 07 December 2022 19:05

Our Constitution is 30 years old!

This year at the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage on December 7, a festive event was organized in connection with "December 8 - the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan" and the "Military-patriotic month" held in Samarkand region. The…
Tuesday, 06 December 2022 18:43

Life without violence!

On December 5 this year, within the action “16 days against violence”, which is widely held throughout the world, including in our country, the President of the Women's Council of the University M. Abbasova and psychologist D. Turdiyeva visited the student dormitory, where they conducted a spiritual and educational event.…


Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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